Year: 2024

Dragon Eyes :)

We have been making clay models of dragon eyes with lots of detail. Over the weeks we were making the dragon eyes Urmi was bossing us around like slaves (hehe). Today/week 4 we are PaNtInG tHe ThE dragon eyes! And with just 2 seconds left I finished 🙂


Throughout the term, we have been doing this thing culled the action station and in this thing… action stations, there are lots of different choices. I chose origami.  I made a flapping bird and a flower. I would like to learn how to make a monkey. What would you like to make?

Is Easter better than Christmas?

Is Easter better than Christmas?



First Argument:

At Christmas you get to spend lots of time with your family.






Second Argument:

At Christmas you can visit more places.



It’s summer (NZ) so you can go to so many more places YOU NAME IT!

And you can visit other family members.


Third Argument:

What is Easter? Easter is one of the principal holidays, or feasts, of Christianity. It marks the Resurrection of Jesus three days after his death by crucifixion. For many Christian churches, Easter is the joyful end to the Lenten season of fasting and penitence.



And yes for your information I believe in God and I do think Easter is a great time to celebrate and get chocolate, BUT for a lot of kids all across the Earth don’t get much or celebrate AND SOME DON’T EVEN GET CHOCOLATE. Now I am not down playing Easter. It is a great time but in my defence I think Christmas is better and plus we get to celebrate the birth of jesus. (More on that below)

(The holiday, which commemorates the birth of Jesus, is observed on Dec. 25 in the Gregorian calendar, but no one knows which date Jesus was actually born, according to Britannica. The Bible does not mention Jesus’ exact birthday, so there are only clues to go off of)